Titip is free and open source pure css based tooltip. it work on IE9+ and all other modern browsers.
Titip has 8 placement options, 6 theme options and 12 animation effect options which based on effect.css.
<!-- Light package of effect.css It is optional if you want to use css3 animation effects --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="..path/css/addon/effect-light.min.css"> <!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS on head of your page --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="..path/css/titip.min.css">
attributeYou can use titip classes with any element.
Instead of data-title="[your content]"
attribute you can use a child element which have .titip-content
class. By this way you can freely design your tooltip content.
Hello this is a content
you can use custom html,
etc. in content element
Warning!! You should not use
data-title="[]" and
.titip-content together.
AngularUI titip has
many placement options
this is titip-left
AngularUI titip has
many placement options
this is titip-top
Instead of data-title="[your content]"
attribute you can use a child element
which have .titip-content class.
By this way you can freely design your
tooltip content.
AngularUI titip has
many placement options
Instead of data-title="[your content]"
attribute you can use a child element
which have .titip-content class.
By this way you can freely design your
tooltip content.
AngularUI titip has
many placement options
.titip-bottom .titip-active
Hello this is an active content
you can use custom html,
etc. in content element
.titip-top .titip-active
wrap content 170px
and .titip-wrapped-large
wrap content 300px
this is wrapped content inside titip-content. by default, text on attribute or titip-content white space has no-wrap.
wrapped size is 300px
Titip themes based on Bootstrap buttons theme options. Ex. instead of btn-warning
you should add titip-warning
This is titip content element.
titip-default thick-border
This is titip content element.
thick border...
Titip animations based on effect.css keyframes dictionary.
There are 12 keyframe effects which we implemented for titip. If you have already have effect-light-css
You don't need include it again.
Fade Effect
This is titip content element.
titip-flip-x thick-border
Fade Effect
This is titip content element.
thick border...
For more examples and detailed information please visit below links